The person behind this fake profile at is either a West African scammer, or possibly a Pinoy 'Chatter'. A 'Chatter' is a Filipino who makes money steering men to porn sites, and talking them into paying for subscriptions or memberships. They use many fraudulent methods, and often there is credit card fraud. If the man seems too interested in the fake girl, they may even be scammed by the 'chatter'.
These 'chatters' are working from home, or sometimes in organized offices, and get paid a commission by the porn sites. They'll promise anything to get you to sign up, love, sex, anything.
They use stolen pictures of pretty girls, and, Guys, the person you may end up having 'adult' conversations with in these scams, may well be MALE. is a free, safe, dating site, that checks each new profile for 'garbage', like this! Don't waste your time on scammers, and fakes, there may be a real person looking for you?